This was the first brief given to me when I started a HND Graphic design and visual communication course at Telford college in Granton Edinburgh.

The themes which the gallery contained were- optical illusions , technology, surveillance, CCTV, secrets, conspiracy, found photography, paranormal, myths, rituals, urban legends, spies, retracted documents,  cold war and espionage.
I designed many things-  two posters, a promotional pack, a mini webpage, interior design concepts and advertising banners.
Mood board that describes the contents of the gallery.
Logo for the exhibition
The Promotional Poster, this is a teaser for the exhibition. It hints at the 'classified' nature of the exhibit, without giving the actual content away. These are to build hype for the exhibition, to imprint the concept of the exhibit into the viewers brain.
This is the more informative poster, this will be posted inside the gallery and other galleries closer to the opening night.
This is the promotional pack. People who have applied to attend the opening night will receive an old fashioned brown paper envelope in the post. the envelope is designed to look like a secret dossier.
Inside the envelope they will find the following articles- a personalized invite explaining the theme location and opening time of the gallery. A pass to get past the door guards. A collectable Polaroid showing one of the featured photographs and a tape player made from cardboard.
The Invite. personalised for 'Agent' Jane Doe.
This is the tape deck. it is fashioned to look like a cold war style piece of tech. It is actually just a sound box in a hard cardboard box. The Play button is functional, playing a sound clip promoting the event, the message is also personalized. DESTROY AFTER LISTENING!
This is the pass the person receives. There will be men in black style guards at the door of the gallery, but this is all just part of the act. They don't really stop anyone, its just for the experience of the visitors. the cards are really just a collectable to show at the 'check in'
This is the website that people can access. they can apply for a VIP pass to the opening night, see a sneak preview of the art to be shown, sign the guestbook and watch a short 'found footage' film teasing the galleys contents.
This the the frame in which the art will be shown. It is Actually a small screen which by using the red buttons at the bottom the viewer can decide what is actually shown.
I also designed concepts for the interior design of the gallery. I designed a wallpaper to texture over the walls that links with the themes of the gallery.
some of the art will be shown on HDTV screens, they have a designed frame that matches the wallpaper, and buttons that the viewer can use to change what is shown.
There is also a projector that occasionally projects scary or strange images onto the walls. there is a message board in the center which people can leave a review of the gallery on.
a (very) rough mock up of the web banner link to the webpage. this would be found on the Baltic official website.
These are banners for the exterior of the Baltic gallery.
The banners in situ. The large image projected on the wall between them is going to change frequently. it is the photo that has had the most views according to data collected from the changeable photo frames inside the exhibition.
Rare Sight (Gallery promotion)

Rare Sight (Gallery promotion)

Concepts for a exhibition at the Baltic Gallery.



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