Profilo di HIU CHAN


Progettazione industriale
山寨玩具vol.3 —— 山寨留存​​​​​​​
山寨玩具系列的最後一本書 — 山寨留存,是一個以塑膠玩具相機去紀錄碩果僅存的香港士多、文具店,一些曾經售賣過香港山寨玩具的地方。 藉此希望在它們消失前作紀錄和重喚香港人的集體回憶,繼而提升大家的關注。

Made in Hong Kong vol.3 — The Knock-off Retain ​​​​​​​
The Camera Book is the last volume of the Made in Hong Kong book collection. It is a plastic camera toy recording the vanishing Hong Kong traditional stores, stationary stores and other places that have sold the Hong Kong knock-off toys before. The Camera Book is aimed to record before they gone and recall the collective memories of the Hong Kong people, in order to rise people’s awareness to this issue. 

Overall view
Packaging design
Part of the photos in the film roll
The camera book is designed as a photo book to capture places where Hong Kong knock-off toys used to be sold. These locations are part of Hong Knock-off toys culture that is fading year after year. The camera book engages the audience to in playing. The users can capture photos to raise awareness about the vanishment of Hong Kong knock-off toys.
Tools and Components
Draft / Idea generation

Printing: 3D printing (Camera) / Risograph (Packaging)
Material: Plastic
Size: 70mm x 120mm / 120mm x 140mm with packaging
Language: Traditional Chinese

Book design: Chan Hiu
3D rendering: Mickey Wong

Year: 2018 



這本書設計成一本圖片冊,記錄了從前香港山寨玩具的銷售地方。這些地方都是香港山寨玩具文化其中重要一環,但因年月逐漸消散。這本書能加強讀者參與度,讀者能從書中拍下照片,從而加強對逐漸消失的山寨玩具的認識。 The camera book is designed as a photo book Leggi di più
