For This Project, I had to come up with a theme and create a series of pieces to convey different principles of design but using only black and white acrylic paint.

My theme for this project was landscape since I love nature and I appreciate its beauty.
I used black and white acrylic and brush and spatula to create textures and accomplish the look I wanted with the inspiration of the basic principles of design: Unity, Emphasis, Proportion, Formal Balance, Variety, Informal Balance, Radial Balance and Rhythm.
For this piece, I created a City looking at it from the ocean, I used different lines and shapes to create contrast and I played with organic and geometric shapes to create variety on my piece.
Informal Balance is displayed in this composition by having continuous buildings right by each other on the left side of the composition making that side purposely look and feel heavier than the other side yet balancing it out with the moon on the right side.
For this piece, I created a farm by drawing the silhouette of a windmill along with some fences and a combination of flowers. I played with lines to crate shapes and texture on the flowers like crosshatching and stippling and I applied different brush techniques to get the look I wanted.
For this piece I created a fisherman on a upcoming storm and amazed by the huge fish he caught, which I made it out of proportion from which it is supposed to be. I cerated different textures on the fish and I played with a sponge to create the waves plus the cloudy sky.
For this piece, I created a desert and I played a lot with the color values, I sed black for the cactus with white to get some highlights on them, I played even with my fingers to get some shadows on the hills in the back and I was more delicate when it came to the little man and the camel to make them stand out and understand their purpose  on my piece.
Unity is displayed in this composition by putting together a happy individual who is singing and playing with his guitar in the middle of the desert along with his camel, they both look very happy. This scenario goes very well together because they compliment each other in a desolate and hot land.
In this piece, I created the shape of a dead tree in the middle of nowhere and a bright red leaf that fell down and a little bigger than normal. I made this composition by using different lines and shapes to make the scenary look realistic and I used different values on the grayscale to create variation on the frame.
Emphasis is displayed in this composition by making the focal point the red leaf falling down since that is the first thing you notice when you look at this picture following by the tree. The main focus would be the red leaf.
For this piece, I created mountains on the inter time with a river falling through the middle of each of them and opening up at the end of the mountains. I used light scale of values to ahve tat sensation of cold, windy, foggy day and I made some contrast using a very dark black value for the cloud plus a few other hills.
 Formal balance is displayed in this composition by making the mountains partially equal on each side along with the hills and river.
For this piece, I simulated the beach by using different types of lines to create the palm trie and I played with my crush to create a nice texture on the sand to make it stand out a little. I also played a lot with different values to create movement and smoothness on the waves.
Rhythm is displayed in this composition by my decision to cterate a pattern on the waves with a lot of repetition and continuity letting your eyes flow throughout the waves across the paint.

For this piece, I created a highway that looks like a tunnel or a bridge, where the patterns, proximity and continuity of the archup on top leads your eye towards the end of the tunnel.
Radial Balance is displayed in this composition by making the focal point at the end of the tunnel and purposely making your eye to go from the outside following those patterns of the tunnel all the way to the end.
For this project, I had to pick a famous iconic person and paint a selfportrait using acrylic.
The challenge for this project was that we had to pick one color, and make a monochromatic portrait using different values or tints of the color to create depth and make it look realistic. We could not mix colors together so every expression we made, it had to be on a solid color pattern. 
ACRYLIC Paintings.

ACRYLIC Paintings.

For This Project, I had to come up with a theme and create a series of pieces to convey different principles of design but using only black and w Read More
