Taskly App
The Project
Taskly is a web based app that is built to improve productivity. It can be used by enterprises, companies, entrepreneurs, startups and individuals.

The solution allows users to track productivity by creating projects, tasks, events and adding priority, due date and time.

Core Features
Dashboard with an overview of all tasks and projects, calendar, push notification, user authentication, sharing, collaboration, reminders, events. It is compatible with all android and apple devices
Approach and Design Process​
I started with a detailed competitor analysis. After that, I conducted a survey and user interview, which was used as a basis for creating user personas. After creating a sitemap with the help of card sorting, I started with prototypes for the three most important user flows which were the basis for first user tests. Followed by that, I was able to proceed to digital wireframes and intense usability testings. The findings were then used for creating the visual design and high-fidelity mockups, which were tested by A/B testing and click tests.
My approach to Taskly was broken up into a six-phase process

Competitive Ananylsis
User Testing Surveys

I wanted to test if my Taskly MVP meshes with the expectations and wishes of users, whether they currently use task managers or not.


I wanted to target people that both use or would like to use some sort of tool to regularly manage their to-do, regardless of whether they do so in a professional or personal context.


Based on personal experience and anecdotal evidence my core assumptions where that most people try to organize themselves in some way. Not necessarily through an app or an online service, but also through pen and paper. Also, almost everyone has continuous access to a device where they can enter and view their to-dos. I also assume that many people have used or are using a task management system but have some aspects they are not happy with.


28 people participated in the survey, of that approximately 4 were people I knew and the rest came through the twitter links and Career Foundry slack channel.


Small Businesses
Mid-size Business
User Interview
Mr. Obiora (Business/Contractor) : He has not used taskly app before, writing and sorting the card was hard but fun at the end. It took him time before he could understand exactly what to do and how to handle them. What was interesting is that he introduced a new category named “Add member picture” with that members can easily be recognized when assigning task.

Mrs. Nicole (Social worker): She has not used taskly app before, writing and sorting the card was hard. It took him time and always laughing. What was interesting is that he introduced a new category named “Live chat” which can be used when contacting for assistant and help.

Mrs. Grace (Script writer/director): She has not used taskly app before but was using a writing management app. What was interesting is that she forgot the category named “Sign up” maybe because of her age but said that one can sign up through the “Account”.

Card Sorting
From the displayed cards, it shows that each of them had a different approach to categorizing. With the use of card sorting, one can now agree that it is important and useful when one want to find out how customers expect to see information grouped, organize a complex sitemap, organize sub-menus on a website, classify products in a web-shop, organize questions in a FAQ

Card sorting has proven to be a very useful technique and hopefully all this Info helps me to create a clear Sitemap
The target group is a very busy group of mostly freelancers that don’t want to spend much time learning new computer systems to manage their tasks .Always looking an easy and uncomplicated ways to manage problems, like using to-do lists and dairy (be it digitally or analogically) to organize their tasks
User Personas
Information Hierarchy
Site Map
Link To Test: https://app.usabilityhub.com/do/7b3651c90cca/c7b2
Link: https://app.usabilityhub.com/do/73d9da784dd2/9aff
Final Designs
Final Iterations
Google Analytics
Google Analytics gives a good overview of users‘ behaviour, which can be used for improving traffic and conversion rates for Taskly. I would use this data, along with goal tracking and make the following improvements. 
1. Change homepage design to increase conversions. 
2. Analyze how users are getting to the site. 
3. Analyze the organic search traffic keywords and use them to improve SEO strategy and site content. 
4. Analyze the funnel visualization and the paths users take when navigating the site to better understand their behavior and improve the design to increase conversions.

Photoshop, Illustrator, balsamiq, Invision, Wix, Google Analytics

