Perfil de Martin Lang

TV & Console Unit Design - Reclaimed Wood

Woodworking is a Hobby of mine and I love to build items of furniture in my spare time using reclaimed wood. 

This unit was custom built to fit the dormer window space in my old basement flat. It is constructed using; pallet wood, fence posts and an old door. 

The unit is mostly finished in the image as I moved out of this flat and bought a flat before I could finish it. As it was custom build for the space there was not much point in trying to take it with me.

As I am an avid Online Gamer I like to make sure my consoles don't overheat. I wired in 3 USB powered fans in the back of this unit to continually circulate the air when the consoles are on. This also had the added benefit of ensuring no moisture or mould built up behind the unit.
TV & Console Unit Design - Reclaimed Wood

TV & Console Unit Design - Reclaimed Wood

Woodworking is a Hobby of mine and I love to build items of furniture in my spare time using reclaimed wood.  This unit was custom built to fit Leer más
