Since I was a kid I was curious about Soviet Union, the place was depicted as closed and conservative, the western movies showed Russians as bad people and I really knew nothing about it. Also, I was attracted by the strange Cyrillic characters of the alphabet.
Many years later the fallen of Berlin wall and communism I had the chance of visiting Russian Federation and discovered that people is good, food is nice, they have a huge history and many talented artists, writers, painters and musicians.

This is a collection of instants taken in former Soviet Union lands from 2003 to 2009. At that time countries like Russia and Ukraine were still struggling in the process to move west toward capitalism and I was fascinated about their culture and life style.

I've travelled east many times with always in my mind a sentence by the Russian poet F. I. Tyutchev: "You cannot understand Russia with your mind, you can only believe in it".
Instant Russia

Instant Russia

Moments from the former Soviet Union.


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