An App designed with love

Elevate is a personal project: an App for iOS and Android. 
Its purpose is to help you build better habits, living the present moment and being happy.

The Elevate experience is your journey in discovering your higher self and gain your happy state of mind focusing on the present moment. The App features all the essential activities a person needs to perform in order to feel better and elevate spiritually, mentally and psychologically. 

Need finding

People are often in distress as we live in a crazy, fast-paced world. We forget to love ourselves, therefore we forget how to love others. The mindfulness trend is not helping us either: the happiness-seeking culture is turning us into anxious wrecks.

Elevate can help you find peace by focusing on what really matters.

The web journey

The landing page features a long scrolling pattern, that increased its popularity in the last few years and it's optimal for presenting sections that are part of a bigger visual storytelling and present the content as a story in a smooth, linear fashion.

The progressive disclosure of information allows the user to obtain more and more details as they scroll down without losing sight of navigation thanks to the sticky nav bar. 
The Logo

The Elevate logo is composed by the Happy character and the logotype. They can be used together or separately.   

Happy has been chosen to make the Elevate brand unique and distinguishable and it represents a happy-gained state of mind. It has been inspired by the Japanese Jizo statue, the concept of harmony and lightness. 

Brand Personality

Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, used to say: “Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. Your Happiness will not come to you. It will only come from you”.

To convey this message of love and self-discovery, Elevate portrays warm colours and soft shapes, with a rounded typeface. Elevate is strictly connected to his smiling, lovely drop character, named Happy (of course!).


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Elevate App

Elevate App
