Apies House Boat

A nomadic housing project in a theoretical context of Pretoria.
Climate change has sparked a massive increase in the size of the Apies river in Pretoria, coupled with an urban influx from disintegrating suburbs, space in the city becomes a premium. Communities begin to spatially exploit the river as a commodity. 
House Boats render space as specific  services to the city in a macro context, and then dock together to form micro communities. The house boats between themselves fulfill the needs of the community, supporting an integrated and neccasary social function. 
The project as such begins to question borders between public, private and communal space.

The House Boat design takes on the role of a digital work space (much like an internet cafe). The boat in itself begins to question space within a new context. The boat much like digital space is not fixed, rather the boat can be programmed to fulfill varying requirements through devices such as pneumatic floors and sliding screens. 
The boat is created through a typical ribbing which is then encased in a skin membrane, lit with LED's the skin initself becomes a screen advertising its function to the city.
Apies House Boat :2012
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Apies House Boat :2012

An nomadic house boat situated on a theoretical Apies river.

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