Cookie Break Package

Cookie Break

Packaging for a new line of organic products.
It is a healthy complex snack-set:
cookies, natural yogurt and homemade jam (kiwi, cherry or orange).
All ingredients are organic and VERY fresh.

Three cardboard tubes are placed on top of each other inside of a shrink-wrapped container.
All brand information is printed on the wrapper.
The tubes contain only a photo of the content and a description of the product.

When the customer is removing the wrapper,
he/she is metaphorically getting free from the chains of the urban hustle and haste
and is left alone with the product.

Target audience: well-off people who live in big cities and care about what they eat.

Project team:
Tatiana Rusalovskaya
Artem Maslov
Alya Lugovaya
Stas Semin
3D modelling:
Vladimir Pospelov

Cookie Break Package