After the success of our first ME to WE initiative in Kenya, we’re thrilled to take our partnership with the organization another big step forward. This World Water Day, we’re launching a second special edition tea, bringing clean water to multiple communities in India. Why water? Because it’s the foundation all communities need to live. Not only essential for drinking, clean water access also reduces illness, helps girls go to school instead of spending hours collecting and carrying water and leads to better agriculture and food access for the entire community. Every 50 g purchase of our ME to WE teas provides 2 weeks of clean water to a person in a developing community in one of our partnering countries. Over the years, ME to WE’s aim has been to empower people to make a difference. Everyday choices can turn a ripple into a wave. Our product collaborations with ME to WE are growing, and we want to help our community of tea drinkers make an impact. This March 22nd, let’s celebrate World Water Day together by giving clean water to those in need.
Poster Design
Partnership Card
Post cards - Information about ME to WE India
In store signage

