Αντικείμενο < αρχαία ελληνική ἀντικείμενον, ουδέτερο της μετοχής του ρήματος ἀντίκειμαι < ἀντί + κεῖμαι
The Objects are pictured according to the massive, current, impersonal society of pluralism. Isolated from the outer space, they are the minority of Beautiful, according to the standards of today.
Objects that are characterized, despite their physical and naturalistic substance and of course, inside an impersonal – and maybe inviolability – border, which are forced the viewer to a bizarrely different “decoding”. The intense characteristic of Minimalism, with the main role of the white background, as well as the strong, natural colors of the Objects, are by themselves the differentness and the uniqueness of our currently consuming society.


This project was held in for a course of my University.
