Rafael Campos's profile

Foo Fighters, The Colour and The Shape

The Colour And The Shape - Vinyl Box Set
Em 2018 o segundo disco de estúdio do Foo Fighters, The Colour and The Shape, completou 21 anos. E como trabalho de conclusão do curso de design gráfico resolvi homenageá-lo, criando um box set de vinyl sob o conceito de conexão harmônica.

In 2018 the second album by the Foo Fighters, The Colour and The Shape, became 21 years old. As my final project on the graduation as a graphic designer I decided to celebrate it by creating a vinyl box set under the concept of harmonic conexion.
Foo Fighters, The Colour and The Shape

Foo Fighters, The Colour and The Shape

Foo Fighters - The Colour and The Shape vinyl box set.
