攝可 /Zokus
智慧攝影整合系統 / Public Drone Safety Escort Service
Traveling to island countries, water activities often be the most expected part of the trip. However, if you want to make an amazing film, you need to learn the complicated technology and buy the expensive equipments. Through the Zokus automatic camera integration system, we hope that with simple procedure, users
can easily edit their own video journals.
浮標與水下無人機 /Submarine drone with buoy


Nowaday’s underwater drones are all wired devices, that ‘s why we imported the buoy concept into our system.The buoy is designed to receive signal from the on-shore user and provide storage space for cable . Wearing the device first, the submarine will senses the position of the wearing device.

空拍母機與感測器 /Airborne drone with sensor


Airborne drone as the main flying body, the camera is characterized by the visual obstacle
avoidance system on the four feet of the upper-part.Avoiding obstacles while flying, it is also a sensor for receiving buoy’s signal.The buoy retracts the cable to bond with the lower-part.It can bring both back to the user.
影片剪輯App /App


Users can choose the pre-equipped shooting mode ,according to the different water activities .Therefore ,you don’t have to learn the complex skills that you can easily get the film .If you want to engage in other water activities, submarine camera can be disassembled and mounted to camera base to match other activities to achieve the affect of integration . You can edit a self-styled movie!
Product Design/ Po-Chun Liu ,Shih-Po Chou,Catria Lin 
Film/ Catria Lin

