Gabriel T Toro sin profil

Steve Buscemi @ “Fargo” (Joel & Ethan Coen - 1996)

Steve Buscemi   as Carl Showalter in the film “Fargo” (Joel and Ethan Coen - 1996)
Printable up: 100x50cm
100% Digital Painting
MyPaint [opensource] + pen tablet
Steve Buscemi @ “Fargo” (Joel & Ethan Coen - 1996)

Steve Buscemi @ “Fargo” (Joel & Ethan Coen - 1996)

Steve Buscemi as Carl Showalter in the film “Fargo” (Joel and Ethan Coen - 1996) Printable up: 100x50cm 100% Digital Painting MyPaint [opensour Se mer


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