Work period: 2015/2016
A digital wallet where you could send and receive payments and configure it to transfer your balance to your bank account, earn discount credits on stores, make donations to charity institutions, view analytics about where your money is going to or coming from and so forth. This was the main concept of, a Brazilian startup created to make your money management easier than it have ever been.
I contributed to this application while working on Rubythree, as iOS Team Leader, maintaining the current version on the App Store and creating totally new features of the 2.0 version, keeping track of features, bugs and crashes with Trello and HockeyApp, estimating tasks' duration, besides monitoring and delegating tasks to programmers and interns and helping them with possible development doubts might come. Also contributed developing the Ruby on Rails API. Unfortunately, it isn't available on the App Store right now :(
    • Swift
    • Geolocation
    • APNs (Apple Push Notification service)
    • Trello
    • HockeyApp