Perfil de Dan Bergevin

The Alice Project

The Alice Project
Book collaboration
Now available on!



NOTE: Both versions are correct and ready to order! Thank you to all contributors for your hard work and to all fans for their support!!

The Alice Project is a collaborative publication of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. All profits from the project will be donated to Oxfam International (

Publication information -

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Hardcover (case laminate)
148 pages, 6 x 9 inches
Written by Lewis Carroll
Published by Capitalized Living
Publication Date: December 10, 2010
ISBN 10: 0-9802479-8-5
ISBN 13: 978-0-9802479-8-5
$29.95 cover price
20% Trade discount (-$5.99)
-$19.50 Printing cost
Earnings per copy before taxes: $4.46
100% of profit to be donated to Oxfam International

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Softcover (perfect bound)
148 pages, 6 x 9 inches
Written by Lewis Carroll
Published by Capitalized Living
Publication Date: December 10, 2010
ISBN 10: 0-9802479-9-3
ISBN 13: 978-0-9802479-9-2
$22.95 cover price
20% Trade discount (-$4.59)
-$14.50 Printing cost
Earnings per copy before taxes: $3.86
100% of profit to be donated to Oxfam International

Hardcover artwork - Kim Triebsee (
Hardcover text - Petter Danielsen (
Paperback cover artwork - Antigoni Chryssanthopoulou (
Paperback cover text - Ramon E Gerena (
Title page photo - Maria do Carmo Louceiro (
Chapter titles - Christian Poschmann (
Alice chasing the White Rabbit - Lina Gavėnaitė (
Falling down the rabbit hole - Ali J (
Small Alice in room with table - Jodie McGuinness (
Big Alice in room with table - Natalie Shau (
The White Rabbit - Deni Medina (
Alice crying - Marina Busteros (
Pool of tears - Aaron Bartlett (
Wet animals on bank - Ruchi Mhasane (
Caucus race - Allison Ball (
Birds eating comfits - Lorenzo Milito (
White Rabbit's house - Pedro Corrêa (
Drinking the potion - Tena Letica (
Giant Alice in house - Daisy Gam (
Kicking Bill out of the chimney - Marc K Park (
Giant puppy - Federico Reyes Galván (
Caterpillar - Josh Payne (
Eating the mushroom - Luke Stephen Smith (
Alice growing - Kelly Chehardy (
Two footmen - Ralf Wandschneider (
Frog footman and Alice - Giovanni Girardi (
Alice in the kitchen - Pablo Lara Henríquez (
Alice with the duchess - William Jamison (
Pig baby - Haley Jones (
Cheshire cat in tree - Raphael Armando (
Mad tea party 1 - Ryan McDougal (
Mad tea party 2 - Nicole Tan (
Mad tea party 3 - Ali Pye (
Sisters in treacle well - Elizabeth Matlack (
Tree with door - Andrew Johnson (
Painting white roses red - Maria Surducan (
The Queen of Hearts - Carmen Virginia Grisolía (
Croquet ground - Raquel Figueira (
Alice with flamingo - Ileana Surducan (
Cheshire cat - Mille Dørge (
Cheshire cat on croquet field - Yucci Chen (
Queen yelling at players - Ana Šimon (
Gryphon - Selena Tabakovic (
Alice, gryphon, and mock turtle 1 - Mel Muraca (
Alice, gryphon, and mock turtle 2 - Jhonatan Medina Caguana (
Lobster quadrille - (
Dancing - Justas Cekauskas (
Owl and panther - Victor van Gaasbeek (
Knave's trial - Kristiaan der Nederlanden (
White Rabbit announcer - Reuben Van Dijk (
Mad Hatter - Guillermo Fajardo (
Pepper cook - Marius Gherasim (
Chaos in court - Elric Petit (
Giant Alice in court 1 - Francesco Gulina (
Giant Alice in court 2 - Madalina Andronic (
Pack of cards - Andre Leonard (
Waking up - Loukia Kyriakidou (
Editing and publication - Dan Bergevin (

The Alice Project

The Alice Project

A mass collaboration between creative professionals to create a printed version of Alice in Wonderland.
