Had some time off & felt like doing an AskGSG Concept Challange. This week's theme was Cactus.

A Templar Knight called 'Cactus'.

Playing with the thought of cactus as a nickname, I ended up using 'having armour somewhat resembling the spikes of the plant' as the narrative. 

During the research of armour pieces, I came across medieval armour and was sucked in by all of their details and their craftsmanship. Somehow my exploration trickled down into me using a Templar Knight. But what made me laugh a little, was the idea of a Templar with the nickname cactus. This is because, in the past, I've heard C is for 'Christ' a lot. Therefore, Cactus fights for Christ!
Final Piece
Process Video

Thank you for checking out my project. If you would like to contact me, you can send me an email to

You can also have a look at my work on ArtstationInstagram or Dribbble



Personal Illustration about a Templar Knight with the nickname 'Cactus'
