Paige Bellin's profile

Photoshop Fundamentals, Final Project

Thank you for taking the time to view my Behance portfolio. Below are some of my projects I have created for my Social Media Design Certificate, here at Northeastern Wisconsin Technical college. I hope you enjoy and become inspired by my project below.
Name Project
Name Project
This was my first project in my Photoshop Fundamentals class. The object of this project was to create an image that represented myself, while using tools within Photoshop to add my name.
Sunflower Photo Credits: Unsplashed Stock Images
Makeup Enhancement
Human Makeup Enhancement
During this project, the object was to follow a Photoshop tutorial for human morphs/edits to create a look of our own. With doing so, I found a YouTube tutorial on makeup enhancement. This Photoshop edit is most commonly used for magazine and media ads to ensure models are looking their best.
As you can see above I have captured a before and after image of the model. To create this makeup enhancement, I used different layers and blending modes, along with the paint brush to enhance the eyeshadow and lip color. In addition to these enhancements, I also touched up the model’s hair using the healing brush tool to cover up discolored hair.
Model Photo Credits: Unsplashed Stock Images
Selective Color
Selective Color
A slight change of color can do wonders to a photo. For this project the objective was to edit a photo and make a selective mask to change the hue/saturation values of a specific color in the image. As you can see in my photo above, the rose color value was shifted to a pink value as well as the photo itself changing from color to black and white.
Rose Photo Credits: Unsplashed Stock Images
Animal Morph #1
Animal Morph #1
Above is a project that I completed creating one single animal from two different animal species. My image was composed of a white snow owl and a white cat. From the selective mask tool to the clone stamp tool, I was able to create a nice blend of fur to merge these two animals together.
Animal Photo Credits: Unsplashed Stock Images
Mixer Brush Project
Paint Brush
In class we had an assignment of creating a Photoshop Mixer Brush image. Shown above you can see the sunflower I had created using Photoshops mixer brush tools. Creating a painting over the original JPEG image of the sunflower allowed me the ability to color pick colors from the original image.
Sunflower Photo Credits: Unsplashed Stock Images
Midterm Project
Midterm Project
Within my Photoshop Fundamentals summer class, we were given an assignment to create a TV show ad, staring a Prairie Dog as the lead character, “that will probably be cancelled after half an episode,” for our midterm. With this project in mind, I was inspired to mock the Netflix series The Ranch. Using a combination of eight different images, the selection and mask tool, as well as different blending options and the healing brush tool, I was able to composite the TV ad shown above.
Photo Credits: Images Within Assignment Shell and Unsplashed Stock Images
Animal Morph #2
Animal Morph #2
Shown above is an additional project creating one single animal from two different animal species. My image was composed of a lion’s face roaring and a monkeys body. From the selective mask tool to the clone stamp tool, I was able to create a nice blend of fur to merge these two animals together.
Animal Photo Credits: Unsplashed Stock Images
Photoshop Tutorial
As Photoshop is ever changing and updating, many users rely on tutorials to accomplish an image composite goal. For this assignment our class was to resource a YouTube tutorial on a text effect Photoshop was able to process. The effect I choose to write my tutorial on was the “Burst” text effect. Shown above you can see my step by step instructions of how to complete this image, in addition to my final composited text effect image.
Sky Photo Credits: Unsplashed Stock Images
Thank you again for taking the time to view my Behance profile. I hope you enjoyed my projects and posters.
Photoshop Fundamentals, Final Project

Photoshop Fundamentals, Final Project

Selection of projects from my Photoshop Fundamentals course.
