601 Washington
Images by MARCH / Architecture by BKSK Architects
601 Washington is a high end residential building, located 1 block from the Hudson River in Hudson square, New York City. The building consist of 2 large townhouses with an interior courtyard, 6 large half floor units, and two 4 story penthouse units.The still campaign (below) showcases one of the townhouse units, as well as a 360 tour that was created to present one of the penthouse units.
601 Washington | Hero
601 Washington | Townhouse Great Room
601 Washington | Townhouse Great Room Fireplace
601 Washington | Townhouse Master Bathroom
601 Washington | Townhouse Kitchen
                                       601 Washington | Townhouse Courtyard
601 Washington | 360 Tour
601 Washington
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601 Washington

601 Washington is a set of visual produced for the projects marketing campaign by MARCH.

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