Dowon Jung's profile

Assorted Book Covers

Assorted book covers
Book covers I've designed for myself of books that I enjoyed.

(Personal project)
[Paradise Lost]
by John Milton
[The Apple]
by Jack Gelber
[Snow Country]
by Yasunari Kawabata
[The Buried Giant]
by Kazuo Ishiguro
[The Dream]
by Johannes Kepler
by Haruki Murakami
[Gravity's Rainbow]
by Thomas Pynchon
by Bram Stoker
[The Metamorphosis]
by Franz Kafka
[The Moonstone]
by Wilkie Collins
[The Unbearable Lightness of Being]
by Milan Kundera
[The Overstory]
by Richard Powers
[A People's History of the United States]
by Howard Zinn
[More Than Real: Art in the Digital Age]
edited by Daniel Birnbaum & Michelle Kuo
[Moby Dick]
by Herman Melville
by Upton Sinclair
[The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction]
by Walter Benjamin
[Vision & Difference]
by Griselda Pollock
[The Birth of the Clinic]
by Michel Foucault
[Notes on "Camp"]
by Susan Sontag
Assorted Book Covers