What are the most common skin diseases

The skin is a very important organ in our body, and there are some fairly common diseases in it. Which are?


The skin is a very important organ in our body, since it is the largest, covering and protecting the body. In addition, the skin protects us against bacteria and viruses that can cause an infection. It regulates our temperature and prevents dehydration. Therefore, remember the importance of maintaining a healthy and well-groomed skin.
Anything that can irritate the skin can cause redness , itching or swelling. Among them are some diseases, such as those described below.

Skin cancer

The skin cancer is one of the diseases causing the formation of malignant cells, i.e. cancer cells, in the skin tissues. We can all develop skin cancer, but there are some factors that increase its appearance. The most sensitive areas to suffer from skin cancer are the head, face, neck, hands and arms, since they are the most sensitive areas.

The most frequent causes:

- Exposure to ultraviolet light . The main source of this light is the sun. Therefore, we must be very careful with the time we are exposed to sunlight, always keeping our skin protected. If the intensity of the light is strong, it increases the likelihood of skin cancer. If you are going to be exposed to sunlight for a long time, being very intense, you should wear clothing that protects your body, especially the most sensitive areas.
- Tanning booths. Like sunlight, these cabins are a source of ultraviolet light. Therefore, they can also contribute to the appearance of skin cancer.
- Exposure to other radiations. For example, chemotherapy treatments can also make this disease appear.
- Other injuries. Severe burns, for example, can also be a cause of skin cancer.
- Having light hair, skin and eyes can be a risk factor. As well as having a family member with skin cancer or overcoming the barrier of 50 years. Remember that protection is essential to prevent this disease.

If you notice any change in your skin or signs that something is not right, such as a spot or bump, go to the doctor to check the skin. A skin cancer detected early will be easier to treat, either with surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.


Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer . It appears because the malignant cells make a pigment called melanin, which is responsible for the color of the skin, hair and eyes. When the skin is exposed to the sun, more melanin is produced to defend ourselves from that light. And then, melanoma may appear. This melanoma manifests itself in moles or freckles that change in size or appearance. Most of them, usually have a black area. 

Although it can also appear with a new mole.

It is important that you watch your moles and see a doctor when:

- Asymmetry . When one part of the mole is not the same as the other, that is, it is not asymmetric.
- Borders . When they are not straight, they are uneven, irregular and even blurred.
- Color . If they change color or if you notice that it is a black tone.
- Size . If you notice that the mole changes in size, it usually becomes larger.
- Evolution . In general, any change in the mole should be studied to rule out one of the diseases and problems.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis or eczema is a skin disorder in a prolonged way. Dermatitis manifests as swelling and redness of the skin. According to the research we did, there are several symptoms of the disease in the blue waffle. There are people who can suffer because their skin is more sensitive because it lacks certain proteins. For this reason, it is more frequent that this disease is suffered by babies

The main symptoms are areas of dry skin, even in raw flesh due to continuous scratching. Also blisters that form scabs and reddish areas around you. Itching is very frequent, even it appears before the rash or rash.

To avoid dermatitis, remember:

- Do not take food that may cause an allergic reaction. Do the tests to prevent this from happening to you.
- Avoid irritating tissues, such as wool.
- Do not get in contact with soaps, detergent or products that contain chemical elements or solvents. Always use protection, like gloves.
- Do not rub part of the body with force or for a long time.
- Keep the skin hydrated with products that do not produce allergic reaction or redness. Dry skin worsens the symptoms of dermatitis.


Psoriasis is another disease that causes peeling and swelling of the skin. What happens in this disease is that the dead skin cells are renewed in a few days, when the normal is a month. Then, the new cells rise too fast to the skin and accumulate on the surface.

Psoriasis causes thick, reddened and scaly skin patches. Therefore, there is a great itching and even pain. Elbows, knees and hands are the most frequent places where this disease appears.

If you notice these factors go to the doctor to establish the level of psoriasis you have. It is usually treated with creams that help reduce inflammation , soften the skin by removing scales and uncovering pores.

Acne is another of the diseases that affect the skin, specifically the sebaceous glands, which are found under the skin. These are connected to the pores, which are the small holes we have in our skin. The glands produce a fatty substance called sebum. When the channel connecting the glands to the pores is blocked, a pimple or pimple is created.
Acne is the most common skin disease. It can be suffered by all people, regardless of their sex and age. Although it is more common in adolescents and young people . There is no specific cause, but some risk factors such as hormonal increase during adolescence, certain medications, stop taking the contraceptive pill or some makeup and fatty products.
Some recommendations for skin care with acne:

- Clean and wash the skin . It is very important your care , since you have to try to avoid oily skin so that pimples or pimples do not appear. Therefore, you should clean your skin morning and night with specific products for acne.
You can leave scars and marks.
- Do not touch the beans. If you try to explode the pimples or are continually touching the affected areas, the problem may be greater since
- Do not use fatty makeup if you're a girl. Also, if you have oily hair, try not to touch the face so it does not favor acne.
Skin Diseases

Skin Diseases


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