Brewed Brilliance: Embracing the Rugged Charm of Modern Elegance at Callighan's

I'm excited to present my designs for a unique new coffee shop, Callighan's, with a modern and playful vibe. The cafe is inspired by a high-class community. It offers more than just coffee. It's about creating an experience. Here, patrons can relax and enjoy top-notch food and drinks.

The logo features a classy moustache for a refined touch, with a hint of cheekiness. The design elements draw from coffee stains. I used circles to capture Callighan's coffee culture.

The fonts and colours blend seamlessly to convey a mix of classic and modern styles. The branding aims to excite and engage patrons on a journey of discovery. I'm proud to have been involved in redefining high-end coffee culture. I did it with a mix of rugged charm and modern elegance in every detail.

High-end coffee shop


High-end coffee shop

High-end coffee shop logo and packaging design
