Patrick Jason Andri's profile

PJA, a personal branding

p j a

PJA is a personal branding project created by Patrick Jason Andri (me), meant to act as the unifying theme for my portfolio, business cards, etc. The shape itself was inspired by my interest in the esthetic of Japanese, Chinese caligraphy, and blackletters. The logo consists of 3 letters, P, J, and A. These letters can be configured to lots of different forms of PJA (shown in the last image). Upon thinking on what else I should make, I thought a poster that says 'do it now' will be useful. First it will be useful to function as a reminder to not procrastinate. Second, I can use it as a surface for my post it notes to remind me of my projects, and deadlines.  
PJA, a personal branding


PJA, a personal branding


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