Michael Oberhofers profil

American Kestrel step by step

A rough start, as always. Not sure about her...
Thats probably better for ID purposes, not as satisfying a comp, but artistic considerations hafta take second place to the practical, that's why its called 'illustration'. 
I think I'll keep the background simple, the birds are strong, with good colour, they don't need much. I liked the previous 'flight' shot, but we try to show underwings for birds of prey. I could do a second bird, but I try to keep that for birds often seen in groups. Or if I'm missing an important aspect in the main birds.
Lotsa work on the back of the fem. cleaning up the branch & background. I don't like this bit much. Especially repetitive patterns etc. I will be starting sketches for the next species about now, cuz thats my favourite part. 
I know, I shouldn't. Should just finish this... What are you?, my Mum?
At this point I'm happy enough with the comp, so its all details from here on in. This is the part I often get picky & where I can go on for days instead of just stepping back & saying "That'll do". Its the reason wealth will elude me! That lower foot on the Tiercel (boy) can't just 'hang', gotta fix that.
Thats a better branch, and a slightly better foot. Feet are HARD! 
Sorry mate, gonna hafta shut yer gob, its a bit weak.
Oh dear, that branch under his tail can't cross like that! Damn physics!
The same pic? Come on, look closer. But it gets like that at this point. I can easily work all day & then realise its hardly changed. That's not annoying... MUCH!
And there it is. A step by step - kinda - for the original & best Digital Field Guide: iBird: North America for IOS & Android. It's NOT on your phone?! Boy you must HATE birds! You Monster! What is WRO...
Sorry, forgot my meds... 
American Kestrel step by step

American Kestrel step by step

A step by step digital illustration in Photoshop for "iBird"
