Profil Anh Nguyen

State Farm | Agency: Razorfish - 2010

State Farm

State Farm Pocket Agent is a mobile app that allows customers to manage all of their accounts including bank and mutual fund investments, roadside assistance, and claim-filing systems.

Agency: Razorfish
Year: 2010

​​​​​​​Insurance Payment

Below are screen samples of the insurance payment flow for iOS 4 devices.

Cross-Platform Mobile Design

The goal was to design a layout that is native to iOS and Android operating systems. The left screen is a sample for Android 1.4 Donut. The right screen is a sample for a cross-platform mobile web browser.
State Farm | Agency: Razorfish - 2010

State Farm | Agency: Razorfish - 2010

State Farm Pocket Agent is a mobile app that allows customers to manage all of their accounts including bank and mutual fund investments, roadsid Další informace
