Jaclyn Simmons's profile

VOLCOM (promo piece/student work)

Volcom is a modern lifestyle brand that was founded in 1995. It embodies the creative spirit of youth culture. Founded on liberation, innovation and experimentation, the brand remains dedicated to breaking down the establishment. Always avant-garde, Volcom’s approach to clothing and branding makes it unique in its industry and among its customers. Volcom has always been a proponent of the unknown and up and coming artist movement, sponosoring art shows and contests and utilizing the work of growing artists in their expansive product line. 
A collaborative design of a promotional piece featuring art from unknown artists. Mixing up Volcom’s aesthetic and encouraging the creative thinking needed to keep the movement going. 
The piece needed to feature art of multiple artists, so a card deck fit as a vessel for house many pieces in one unit. Each of the twenty cards features a different piece of Volcom-inspired art, with the only design rules being that there are no rules. The backs feature a creatively inspirational quote from Mark Twain, whose humorous, anti-establishmentarian views fit perfectly with the Volcom outlook. Every layout is unique in its treatment of color, line and texture, the only straightjacket imposed on the composition being the Stone-shaped layout of the cards themselves, the pattern on the card backs that house the quotes. The housing unit is a Volcom Stone- shaped box that hinges in the middle to open and reveal the cards. 
VOLCOM (promo piece/student work)


VOLCOM (promo piece/student work)

promotional piece
