The project is the result of various months of work at to create a Museum with a variety of art items, from static to abstract and animated. This is a WebVR project first created in full THREE.js and then migrated to A-Frame VR.

The original pitch was to create only "a museum" for its apparent simplicity. I was the only one in charge of the production with input provided by coworkers/boss.

It started on paper, but soon it went to Blender. A basic hallway was created, we added podiums to place statues, not quite common paintings and a couple of huge statues. The Hall was then expanded to a couple, both crossing each other. The main models remained, and more was added. Kinetic sculptures were added, mocaps captured with Oculus Rift that fill a side of the hallways, a photogrammetry model, two models created with Oculus Medium that have their custom artstation page for it. Other models were created in Blender and imported.
The Hall VR

The Hall VR

VR Experience to display objects in a museum in a web site. (February 16, 2017)
