Tim Rakete profili

Tribute to Gregory Crewdson

first semester
lecturer: Reinhard Rosendahl
Working-title: NACHTGESTALTEN 
(double meaning in german)
Example for this project was/is American photographer Gregory Crewdson.
Gregory Crewdson's photographs usually take place in small town America, but are dramatic and cinematic. They feature often disturbing, surreal events.
Our shooting took place at Dortmunder harbor. It took two cold nights to finish this big project till we got respectable results.
After finishing we had two succesful exhibitions in Dortmund + a great article in a local newspaper.
Please watch the Making-Of video for some more informations! (CAUTION: Everything is in german! :D )
I hope you like the work! :) 
Tribute to Gregory Crewdson
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Tribute to Gregory Crewdson

Photography project inspired by the work of American photographer Gregory Crewdson.

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