Dan Bergevin's profile

What the Butler Saw

What the Butler Saw
Published 2009
Inspired by Robert Rodriguez's production methods, I set out to publish as many books as I could in an attempt to "get the bad out" by learning what methods work and what mistakes to avoid. In late spring of 2009 I published What the Butler Saw, a collection of doodles and such. Surprisingly entertaining to children, it's like a mix between an art archive and a coloring book for schizophrenics. Just to throw a curveball at the world, I wrote an introduction claiming that the art was all made by an insane butler I grew up with, who passed his sketchbooks to me after his death.

Not exactly what I expected my first book to be, What the Butler Saw served its purpose and taught me a bit about book publishing.

If interested, you can buy a copy here:

What the Butler Saw

What the Butler Saw

Book publishing adventure #1.
