Profil appartenant à Cailin Russell

Photographic Symbol Book Cover

A formal mock-up for the book cover I designed for the play "Romeo & Juliet".
For a design project, I was to create a book cover for a classic play or novel, and I chose to create a cover fr the play "Romeo & Juliet".

The image of the flower has been fragmented, just like the two star-crossed lovers in the story. Their families and lives have been fragmented in a way that alters their fates. The word “Romeo” in the title has been flipped upside down because their lives were flipped upside down. There are so many twists and turns in the story, and Romeo and Juliet began to confuse good choices with bad. The color red was a beautiful and obvious choice. Red can mean many things, but when considering this story, two meanings come to mind; passion and blood. It is a passionate story, but it ends in bloodshed and pain. 
While the cover has a very bold image and statement, I intentionally left the back more subdued. The cover image is what is most important. If an image was added to the back cover, then some of the importance of the symbolism might have been lost.
The first three images are designs that I made that were possible choices for the book cover. The last image is what the full back cover looks like.
Photographic Symbol Book Cover
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Photographic Symbol Book Cover

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