Josiah DePaolis profil

A Jesus Church Website Network

A Jesus Church Website

A Wordpress multi-site network designed to be flexible enough to work with different sizes. I helped shepherd the process while we collaborated with an outside team for development and developed content internally. This also involved a good deal of information architecture to balance the needs and requirements of each individual website alongside the requirements of the macro site that would tie them all together.
The macro site was designed to point towards high-level ministries and individual churches while being flexible enough to grow with additional church plants.
Individual church sites had to be designed to fit a variety of church sizes, from brand-new plants to larger, established congregations. With a minimal design, each church was given the ability to best express themselves through the use of imagery that appears on their individual site.
Individual church sites also had to be flexible enough to incorporate a vastly difference amount of events and teaching. While some locations might have only a handful of each, others had many events per month and a large back-catalogue of content.
A Jesus Church Website Network

A Jesus Church Website Network
