Profilo di Cindy Ho Yee Chan

Project Stay Doubtful: A reflection on existence

Project Stay Doubtful is a series of everyday object created to simulate reflection on existence.

Functional Illusion
As a product designer, we create functional tools for people. It might seems apparent that a functional product is something physically existing.
How about a product that is halfy existing but fully functioning?
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How about a product that might double the tools (the gold fish as an ornament); make the tool halfy existing or even disappeared?
Dying or Transforming
A pencil transform from its physical existence into ideas.Its a product that disappears when it produce ideas, just like human being. How about a product that exist less when it functions more?
Project Stay Doubtful: A reflection on existence

Project Stay Doubtful: A reflection on existence

Project Stay Doubtful is a series of everyday object to simulate the reflection on existence.
