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Visible Body 3D Muscle Premium 2 (iPad, iPhone)

3D Muscle Premium 2 provides much more content on musculature anatomy than can be found in Human Anatomy Atlas 2, and it includes quizzes and true 3D, moving muscles.
2,000+ pins provide detailed information on origin (red pins) and insertions (blue pins) in true 3D. Zoom or rotate to study muscles one-by-one or in any combination you choose. iMedicalApps calls this feature, "incredibly impressive at highlighting complex anatomy."  True 3D models show hundreds of muscles moving to abduct/adduct, flex/extend, rotate, elevate/depress, etc. 3D Muscle Premium 2 is the only app with true 3D muscle actions. You can rotate and zoom to see these animated actions from various points of view.  Painted versions of each bone show surface areas where muscles attach. You can add the muscles to each bone as you study the attachment area.
Customer comments about 3D Muscle Premium 2 include:
* "Students have not stopped commenting on how much they like it."
* "Great help studying and for reference."
* "I've used it every day to show clients exactly what I'm talking about. I love to watch their faces light up in an 'aha' moment."
iMedicalApps says 3D Muscle Premium 2, "pushes [the] boundary for anatomy apps. . . . The combination of impressive detail and 3D graphics mean this app is a market leader."

Technologies used: Unity 3D, Objective-C (Cocoa Touch frontend for iOS)
Visible Body 3D Muscle Premium 2 (iPad, iPhone)

Visible Body 3D Muscle Premium 2 (iPad, iPhone)

Visible Body 3D Muscle Premium 2 for iPad and iPhone


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