Profilo di Reza Sadr

Catered by Justin - Responsive Website

Justin needed a simple identity and a website to get his business up and running. Selecting a catering company for an event is rarely left to the decision of one person. Therefor it was felt that a good portion of potential clients will be viewing the website in a relaxed and/or social enviroments using a mobile device. Rather than having a separate mobile website, I designed and built one responsive website for Catered by Justin. The desktop format can be seen directly below, followed by the tablet and smartphone response.
The mobile verisons include a change to the navigation bar, which is now a drop down with each button being large enough for finger touch. The logo is reduced in size and uses URI reference to access the images, whcih speeds up loading time. Resizing images throughout the site to better loading time. The contact form now uses html5 form elements that respod to mobile native features. Background image on the mobile phone version is now a small tiled pattern (saving on loading time). A single coloumn format site for the phone version provides easy reading of content.
Desktop or Laptop View
Tablet View
Smartphone View
Catered by Justin - Responsive Website

Catered by Justin - Responsive Website

Catered by Justin - An identity, and a responsive website for this rather decent catering company
