Profil kim Campbell

Book Cover Redesign (Christopher Pike)

Growing up (and if I'm honest, still at present..) I was a big fan of YA horror. One of my favourite authors was Christopher Pike. That guy can really put a weird sci-fi spin on the 'sexy teens' genre.

One of the best parts of getting a new C Pike book was the cover art. I looked at them so much I have most of them memorised now! They were so garish & trashy. Lots of neon and amazing rich illustrations of cheerleaders and skeletons.

I noticed that Pike has released some new books in the last few years that have adopted a more modern cover art style, which is great. But i feel like the new covers are missing some of the excitement, charm and trashiness that the old covers had.
Personally I think the target audience for C Pike is teenage girls so I've set myself a challenge to redesign a C Pike book a week, for the modern teenage girl, that I feel is true to the vibe of the original covers.
Book Cover Redesign (Christopher Pike)

Book Cover Redesign (Christopher Pike)
