Perfil de Astro Ink

Space Project, Gareth Jones' Spatial Dynamics class

Space Project, from Professor Gareth Jones' Spatial Dynamics class, Spring 2011
1. Spiral Volumetric Module
2. Space Fractal Planer Module
3. Balloon Spheric Volumetric Module “Balloon Spheric Fractal”
With only using paper and glue gun, I had to create three negative shapes and connect them with space. One must be using theory of fractal, and another has to be made out of planer module, meaning a three-dimensional structure that inside can be seen through. The third must have volumetric module. For the volumetric module, each side has to be closed up like a cube.
The idea for second module, “Space Fractal Planer module,” came from a shape that indicates people in a video game SIMS. This diamond shape developed into more complicated shape, and the negative shapes created from the whole piece included hidden hexagon and triangle fractals.
For the third module, the original idea began from a simple flower figure. Then it expanded into a shape where four points of flower meet at one point, the form becomes a balloon-shape. I gave variety in size to make the whole piece organized but not too symmetrical.
1. Spiral Volumetric Module
Paper and glue gun
Spring 2011
1. Spiral Volumetric Module
2. Space Fractal Planer Module
Paper and glue gun
Spring 2011
2. Space Fractal Planer Module
2. Space Fractal Planer Module
3. Balloon Spheric Volumetric Module “Balloon Spheric Fractal”
Paper and glue gun
Spring 2011
3. Balloon Spheric Volumetric Module “Balloon Spheric Fractal”
Space Project, Gareth Jones' Spatial Dynamics class

Space Project, Gareth Jones' Spatial Dynamics class

With only using paper and glue gun, I had to create three negative shapes and connect them with space. One must be using theory of fractal, and a Leer más
