Attractive Point "Competition"

Attractive Point
Qinhuangdao International Student Design Competition


Re-qualification of the old market aims to make the market more comfortable, provides it with more services and re-plan it to make people moving dynamically between closed and open spaces to achieve the dynamical behavior of chinese people.
So we reorganized of the market to provide the users with multiple activities to make the market as an attractive point for all ages.
The construction of new market aims  to interpret the youth’s dreams, in addition to, use traditions and economical materials to create the space ,furniture and structure.
we can say that the main aim is maintain historical memories for the old generations and attract young crowds with their futuristic dreams by creation new places they could use them daily like “cafes-bike’s side”.
In this way, we try to make the market inside could be differentiated, could include everything  could attract everyone, more organized and more artistic.


Chaihe Food Market is a famous historic site within the old town of Shanhaiguan district.
The market provides a wide range of products,
It lacks of attractions to young people which causes insufficient consuming potential
The market meets the basic needs for customers”daily use”, but.lacks of artistic innovation to enhance the quality of urban spaces
Shanhaiguan is also historically and culturally renowned as it is the east starting point of the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty.
With sustainable ecosystem and beautiful environment, it has forest coverage that reached to 51% of its land area. So wood is the main material in design.

The challenge of transformation of the market is to create an efficient design provided with all modern facilities, but at the same time to preserve the atmosphere of the traditional Chinese market.

Sprawl Scenario:

Analysis of the site problems:

The main problem is represented in the lacks of attractions to young people which results in insufficient consuming potential.

Also  there are some other problems like, lacks of artistic innovation, the structure that covers the market prevent daylight to through over the market parts, the entire market doesn’t encourage pedestrian, plus the indoor circulation is unorganized and there are not rest places or other activities.


1-Following the strategy of planning an attractive space, we use Painting and carving on walls with art took from the tradition, plus the art of origami to decorate the ceiling that makes the place more dynamic.

2-We provided the market with a new level to supply it with more services like rest places and small cafes. Plus we try to let the daylight reach the market area through the cover, and make uncovered space for green area and activities. The cover Allows natural lighting to be passed with ease of manual control. With the addition of Pattern to walls to enter the light in an artistic way.

3-With a view to achieving sustainability we use green walls, and a system for collecting rainwater to reuse it.

4-Devices for market development
Put a simple design of the bike to facilitate the shopping process, plus simple food cart to regulate the sale. Providing the market with Chinese style gate to encourage pedestrian circulation.

5-Understand how to facilitate the movement within the project area:

A-Bicycle circulation,

The instrumental forms of transport to move goods and people within the market area are bicycle. Plus providing the market with parking for these is therefore situated on the ground level, beside the shops.

B-Stairs provide vertical connection for customers.

Finally, it wants to be characterized as Chinese traditional and accessible to all.

Attractive Point "Competition"