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The Fabulous Super-Library

Plataforma Arquitectura: 10 Mejores PFCs de España
Tercer premio ISARCH
Seleccionado XIV Bienal Española Arq y Urbanismo
Finalista III Concurso PFC Asemas
Mención de Honor WAS Awards
Publicación seleccionada Koozarch Abstractions

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The point is: people don’t go to libraries. However, they are still going to fast-food restaurants and malls, even if there is no logical reason to prefer paying for a bad hamburger rather than read a book for free. So, our procedure is to appropiate the marketing and visibility strategies these big companies have, and use it in our own purpose. Tiny organic food shops aren’t working. Folk-politics aren’t working. The ‘think global, act local’ implies a withdrawal, we think global and act global to build a counter-hegemony. Updates and plug-ins actualize our gadgets constantly, but architecture seems to deny itself to this kind of changes, just adding some strange inventions. We do not need automatic doors nor fingerprint readers, instead of that, we need libraries that can become playgrounds if people claim that.

Welcome to The Fabulous Super-library.
- 28º 07’ 45’’ N  /  15º 26’ 51’’ W -

The Fabulous Super-Library