Perfil de Andrei Oleinik

CourtTV Rebrand Stationery (Turner/Time Warner)

In 2005, Trollback + Company ( was tasked with a multifaceted rebrand of Court TV. The task – reinvigorate the network’s original image. The result – a new attitude that was reflected in the updated design, logo and tagline.

As a lead on this project in the CourtTV in-house creative department, I redesigned the network’s stationery with the updated look and attitude of the brand. I used a color palette of bright reds and blues, a clean combination of  bold typeface, vibrant colors, and the symbolic elements of a DNA test and the new “Seriously Entertaining” tagline.
Creative Director: Joseph Alesi
CourtTV/Turner/Time Warner
CourtTV Rebrand Stationery (Turner/Time Warner)
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CourtTV Rebrand Stationery (Turner/Time Warner)

Redesigned CourtTV stationery to support the network's successful rebrand.

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