“Are We Human?” is a Graphic Artist’s book that explores how humanism manifests within the field of Graphic Design (practise, process, production, typography, research) and examines the mental barriers we face towards designing for social change. Displayed in 3D renditions of my hands and presenting in analogue processes (book making, book binding, screen printing, contemporary and historic letterpress) to emphasise the power and agency of a person, “Are We Human?” suggests working on a social agenda and evoking self reflection. This concept is reinforced by reflective paper stock, sponsored by Mirri. Typeset in DIN (designed by engineers to be executed by hand) and Plantin (with it's humanistic calligraphic structure) — the intrinsic links between humanism produce an unlikely yet successful typeface combination. Featuring monotone / 3pt lineation for clarity and orange, which echoes humanity through its energy and enthusiasm — “Are We Human?” embodies what I believe to be the ultimate output for Graphic Design. 
Are We Human / 2018
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Are We Human / 2018

A book exploring identity and humanism

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