If we ever have the pleasure of making acquaintance with one another, you will instantly recognise one very distinct character trait about me. I am a balding man. And no attempt to command sympathy nor pity, I have took it upon myself to use this blessing as a brand for my works. This is personified by the silhouette of a man with his head on fire.

The idea occurred to me whilst in conversation with my good friend Valtterri Laihanen. We discussed personality traits that stand out in people as conceptually intriguing and inherently valuable. Whilst creating this website, I spoke with him of how my pleasure for writing allows me to tell a story of anything I so choose to. In a moment of caprice sincerity and impromptu genius, he likened me to a man who lived like his hat was on fire. I fell silent, realising that it wasn’t the hat that was on fire, but my balding head. The flames of my thoughts licking the hairs on my head and slowly singeing them. 

I recognised in that moment of universal clarity that I had and will always be the man who lived with his head on fire.


--- AUTHOR --- Project work: Conceptual development and design, including writing of conceptual autobiographical book, photography and art direc 阅读更多内容
