I was on the way to work, sitting on the train and my phone was out of battery. I was bored and decided to look at the design of the illustrations on the Japanese bills, including a Phoenix Bird and some scenery of the Fuji Mountain and suddenly I fell completely sleep and I was there, flying inside the bills. It was early morning, like on real life, and windy, the red leaves of Momiji were flying all around and the fishes were able to come inside and outside of the water while a Turtle was carrying the heavy load of this mass of water. It lasted just a few seconds, but I won't even forget. Here what I saw, the photo of another dream, I hope you enjoy it, :) 
To do this piece I started painting what I saw on paper, then I made a 3D model (very basic) to get an idea of light, perspective, etc. and then I mixed some photo textures and lots of brushes after this is what I got.
Okane is part of "Echoes of Japan".



Compositing a dream I had while going to work in Tokyo.
