Abbi Angola's profile



The objective of the project was to use iPad Adobe Draw app to create a cameo and a caricature using the tools learned in class

1. Hardware: iPad; Mac Pro
2. Software: Adobe Draw; Illustrator CC; Photos (iPad)
3. Platforms: Creative Cloud; Behance

Creative Process

For the cameo assignment I wanted to highlight my characteristic curly hair in the classical cameo style. I used curved lines to represent my personality and complement my hair, I kept it black and white to enhance the lines and give it a clean look. The black background is destined to drive the attention to the hair and make it stand out. 
For the caricature I chose my classmate Sofia. I enlarge her head to resemble the genre of portraiture. I added a small body skating and drinking coffee with her hands on her pockets to represent what she loves the most and also used her favorite clothes and signature cap. 
For both designs I selected the pictures and I started drawing lines and then added colour shapes in different layers

Cameo process
Final Work

Caricature process

Final Work

It was a great project to develop, the concept of simplifying portraits but keeping the essence of the person is not an essay job. The most useful tool I learned in this project was the Creative Cloud file management platform, the connection between the Adobe suit never stops surprising me. Adobe Draw is a good tool to do fast sketches and simple drawing but in my opinion not the ideal one for adding detail and colour; I would've like if the App had a bigger brush library.
I loved discovering the benefits of digital hand drawing, it give the illustration an organic and more natural look, keeping the personal style that can only be reproduce by hand. I really enjoyed the overall process of the project and the final results.    


