A character inspired by Maltese traditional architecture and fishing heritage.

The Luzzu dates back to Phoenician times and has served the Maltese islands as fishing boats since then. They feature a pair of eyes on their bow referred to as the Eye of Horus or of Osiris, said to protect our sailors from danger. 

It's hard to accurately explain the Maltese balconies' origins. They are a fusion or Arabic and Aragonese architectural influences. An early form was the 'Muxrabija' (look-out place), which would have been used by housewives who did not venture out of their households often. They would observe life strolling past, tucked away behind stone or wooden slats. Today, Maltese balconies come in a plethora of sizes, shapes, and colours, even wrapping around the corners of traditional limestone houses and palazzos.
Luzzu - Balcony

Luzzu - Balcony

Inspired by my dear friend's family's maritime and artisanal heritage, I present the Luzzu-Balcony. aesthetic taken from Malta's architecture, la Read More
