Il nostro protagonista è un piccolo cuore rosso che inizia a saltare, a ritmo dei battiti del suo cuore. Salta, e saltano tanti altri cuori come lui ma... perchè? Superato l'immediato sgomento, il piccolo cuore si rivolge ad un vecchio saggio, raccontandogli le sue vicessitudini, dagli ostacoli superati alle sue belle conquiste, con una serie depisodi che racchiudono l'anima del protagonista. Riuscirà il vecchio cuore a trovare una risposta alla domanda più vecchia del mondo? "Perchè?"

Lettura: adulti e bambini accompagnati
Copertina flessibile: 40 pagine
Scritto e Illustrato: Azzurra Karen Palermo
Lingua: italiano, inglese e francese


Our mean character is a small red heart that starts jumping, following the rhythm of the beats of his heart. He jumps like other hearts alike but ... why? Overcoming the immediate dismay, the small heart goes to an old wise heart, telling him a series of episodes that he lived: from the obstacles he had to overcome to a beautiful epiphanies that he had to understand.
  Will be the old heart able to find an answer for the little heart?

Written and Illustrated: Azzurra Karen Palermo 
Target: adults and children accompanied
Flexible cover: 40 pages
Language: Italian, English and French
When I was born nobody told me anything about life.
The only thing I was sure about was that, by plunging into the world, I hurt my feet,
so for the huge pain, I jumped high... and I did not stop ever since
But I was not the only one! 
Raising my eyes I saw others like me, some more forcefully
than others, who were jumping high in the sky 
One day, tired of waiting, I approached an old Hearth. So I said :
"How come that nobody told me what I was supposed to do after being born?"
"How come that nobody told me that when I fall sometimes I laugh and 
some other time I really hurt myself so much? Why nobody told me that 
sometimes I am helped out and some othe times I have to learn?"
"Why nobody told me that behind a friendly face it is hidden an enemy...
...and some other time the enemy  it is me?"
"Why nobody ever told me that the deepest grief is the outcome of a very deep love?"
" Why nobody told me that the paths we dream of sometimes are not the right ones...
...but by not stopping dreaming I found my own way?"
"Why nobody answers?
Why nobody ever told me anything?
Is there a secret pact which forbids to reveal anything?
Maybe they do not know which words to use?"

SALTA! | picture book