richard hops 的个人资料

Last Week in Notch

Last Week in Notch
Low Poly/Cartoon style experiments, Mona Lisa as a terrain and self portraits.
Starting to get happier by the day with these results!
Doesn't the Mona Lisa work wonderfully as a low poly style landscape, the colours work beautifully! 
I feel Picasso would be proud of my self portraits above. (Bottom two pictures in the grid above)
If there's any technique here that is particularly pleasing to the eye and you'd like a write up or break down of the patch please let me know!
And well done if you got all the way down here! Here's a longer but lower res version of the low poly/toony style video I'm working on: 
Camera angles are my new plight, finding the "right" angles seems to be the longest part of the process now!
Last Week in Notch

Last Week in Notch
