Lixing Yangs profil

daticle: open data service innovation

-The Project: Daticle
is meant to make up and complete the Chinese Internet data. Through the concept of Internet memes, we can rearrange and re-narrate the recent Chinese Internet hot data, and re-define it with the method "data journalism". "Daticle" is an imaginary structure, you can regard it as an information element which parasitize the Internet and human being's brain. It can be put into good use only by keeping it being dynamic, and I hope it can also enhance people's open data literacy.
-Partical structure
"Daticle" is an imaginary structure, you can regard it as an information element which parasitize the Internet and human being's brain. It can be divided into four parts, the original data, related data, emotion label and development axis. 
-Source of data
The data of the project comes from the Chinese Internet between 2012 to 2015, and a total of 28 Internet memes are extracted. The objects are taken from Wikipedia, the Baidu Index, and the author's own social network observation. They need to be hot memes, and can be presented in the form of data journalism to some social phenomenon in order to arouse people's attention to the data. 2012 is the years of WeChat friends circle which is the most universal Chinese social media started to operate, the Chinese Internet meme began to enter the peak of the spread, so I choose 2012 as the beginning of record.

These memes are including: positive energy, Yuan Fang, a bite of China, 18th national congress of the communist of China, loser, gangnam style, Diaoyu Island, are you happy, China dream, lombard, House elder sister, smog, rubber duck, tough girl, Chinese dama, clear your plate, rule of law, APEC blue, ice bucket challenge, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 crash, you know what I mean, little apple, occupy central, 2015 China victory day parade, universal two-child policy, 2015 Tianjin explosions, Internet celebrity, rainbow flag.

I collected 227 groups of key data from these 28 memes, and wrote 28 data report to show the social phenomenon behind the memes, including social trends, Sino-Japanese relations, anti-corruption policy, gender loss, happiness index, Korean culture, diet socialization, Chinese dream form, haze problem, gap between rich and poor, housing problem, female status, urban art, food waste, consumption hunger, urban safety factor, search and rescue analysis, charity data, youth market, China-Hong Kong relations, blue sky governance, discourse haze, parade analysis, population policy, Internet star, same-sex marriage, public event handling. Just hope that people can have deeper feelings on meme and open data through this different Darticle way.
-One of the data Journalism
18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
Chinese combat corruption campaign
A far-reaching campaign against corruption began in China following the conclusion of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012. The campaign, carried out under the aegis of Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (paramount leader), was the largest organized anti-graft effort in the history of Communist rule in China.
Upon taking office, Xi vowed to crack down on "tigers and flies", that is, high-level officials and local civil servants alike. Most of the officials investigated were removed from office and faced accusations of bribery and abuse of power, although the range of alleged abuses varied widely. As of 2016, the campaign has 'netted' over 120 high-ranking officials, including about a dozen high-ranking military officers, several senior executives of state-owned companies, and five national leaders. More than 100,000 people have been indicted for corruption.The campaign is part of a much wider drive to clean up malfeasance within party ranks and shore up party unity. It has become an emblematic feature of Xi Jinping's political brand.
Time has come to 2016, and the massive anti-corruption campaign seems no stopping. About Chinese people's confidence in the future the anti-corruption work, according to the communist party of China news, 93.7% of leading cadres, 88% of the ordinary cadres, 73.1% of professionals, 75.8% of urban citizens are full of confidence for the future anti-corruption efforts.
Comments on China's anti-corruption campaign have been widely debated, including many negative comments. As the central government takes the anti-corruption campaign to the grassroots level in 2016, its relationship with ordinary people is getting closer and closer, and it is believed that the Chinese will appreciate the significance of this action more deeply.

see more at:

-Visual identity
Glacier, selecting, Chinese news report
The Darticle website includes the introduction prat, the meme data journalism part and particle structure part.
In the meme data journalism part I connected every single meme particle as a particle chain. You can click each individual particle to get the infomation of original data, emotional label and one data report to show the story behind it.
In the particle structure part there is a introduction of the Darticle structure. And there is also an open interface for people to create their own meme Darticle which can make more people involved.
see more at: 
-Prototype 2
Exhibition: Darticle theme video (the video on the top), combination of pieces from Chinese news report and movement of glacier; Darticle website prototype (stop operating now due to economical issues); Chinese internet meme data journalism documentary handbook.
-Data support
Wikipedia / Baidu Index / Sina Weibo Index / BBC News China / Radio Free Asia / FT Chinese / / 163 News / White papers / Institution research report / China Statistical Yearbook / etc.

-Technology support

daticle: open data service innovation

daticle: open data service innovation

