Profil Andreas Wannerstedt

Oddly Satisfying vol.4

Animovaná grafika
After Effects
Oddly Satisfying Vol. 4 is a series of different short loops, each one based upon the idea to trigger some kind of odd satisfaction and that inexplicable feeling we all know. This is a personal project posted on my Instagram during spring/summer 2018. Sound design is made by the talented David Kamp.
Synchronized. This animation is part of ‘A word, a week’, a creative exploration by Animography.
Sound design by David kamp. Animated Typeface: Barbour by Timo Kuilder & Philip von Borries.
Slice it Up.
Pendulum vs Marble No.2
Transfer No.2
Heads or Tail
Ups and Downs
Flipping Out
Spherical Weaving
Oddly Satisfying vol.4

Oddly Satisfying vol.4
