Participated for the 3rd time in Doodle Arts Enthusiast group exhibit entitled "Doodle Fest: Doodle Travels PH" which promotes all of the provinces  around the Philippines represented by each artist. I was lucky to represent the province where I grew up in Bicol which is the Camarines Sur, the home of Pili Nuts.

This is my second concept for my art piece in which I made in the last hurrah before the deadline because the first one was not as "doodle-ly" as this one. I used the important places in the province such as the numerous basilicas and cathedrals and dormant volcanoes! I also incorporated the stories I heard growing up there such as the "tawong lipod" (lost souls) and the tale of Handiong, which is said in some account that he arrived in Camarines Sur in a place called 'Libmanan' today  (which is my hometown).

I tried playing around with my work by getting inspirations from my old works from the previous exhibit pieces, "Battle Monster Royale" by Lei Melendres, the cover art for the Kikomachine Komix XII by Manix Abrera and also I watched a lot of Gravity Falls episode for extra inspiration.

Below is the process of my work!
Initial inking
Initial inking and details
Slowly adding details to my monster inspired by the 'tawong lipod'.
Added almost half of the details!
Still inking. To think that I was rushing this because I did some last minute changes for my piece.
Finished inking the piece!
Close up for the details.
Adding some watercolor on my piece to emphasize the scene!
Which could be a.) There is a force attracting the 'tawong lipod' to gather in CamSur b.) CamSur is being invaded by the monster while holding it's last defense or c.) which could be both.
Close up shot of the colored piece.
Almost  there!
The final form of my piece inked and colored with watercolor and gouache!
Hanged and displayed during the exhibit last December 1,2017 at ASpace Gallery!
Close up of the artwork in frame!
Scanned and digitally rendered version.
Thank you for viewing!


Conquer CamSur! is all about where culture, travelling and art collides!
