The task from Leo Burnett, Publicis Groupe, was to create a connection culture amongst Standard Bank employees; inspiring conversations that improve performance and lead to growth. 

A desk drop designed in the form of a Post-It Note pad, includes a short summary of why communicating is important to business, a collection of quotes from business leaders which talk to communication in the way
we are imagining and includes coffee vouchers when two people have something to share.
Sticky Notes
Conversation 'Hot Boxes' were also designed. These are boxes of cards that stand on tables/counters where people naturally interact. The cards are used as prompts for the hot topic of the week. 
Coffee cups: A variation of this would be printed cups for the watercooler that hold topics for conversation or a point of view to be debated.

Email Templates: We’d like to create a point and click template system where people can drag a topic from a list and an icon to indicate if they have news to share. The same template would invite people to a meeting to discuss, or extend an invitation to drop by and hear about it.
Weekly Column: A quick round-up of what’s going on and where we stand on it.
The column will include an ‘elevator pitch’ on the latest deal or piece of business.

Agency: Leo Burnett/Publicis Groupe
Client: Standard Bank
Senior Designer/Art Director: Laura Wall
Creative Director/Copywriter: Tricia Snowball

Standard Bank - Design


Standard Bank - Design

Standard Bank
